A report from New York says that people who eat grain/wheat three times a day are less likely to infect AIDS than those who do not.

You've learned that HIV is transmitted from one person to another through unprotected sex. To prevent HIV infection, prevent yourself from having sex with an infected person. The best and perhaps the most secure way is using a condom, avoid HIV away from your body. Preventing HIV is very easy. The followings are 4 DO's and 10 DON'Ts.


The 4 DOs:

  1. DO say NO when an HIV patient ask you for sex
  2. DO reduce the number of sex partners in order to minimize the risk of infecting HIV
  3. DO check your body regularly through blood test
  4. DO always use a condom when having sex
The 10 DON'Ts:

  1. DON'T have sex with an infected individual
  2. DON'T share or inject needles which contains the HIV patient's blood
  3. DON'T do anything that could tear the skin during sexual intercourse
  4. DON'T take drugs or alcohol which impair your judgement
  5. DON'T tear, bite, or misuse condoms
  6. DON'T touch any internal secretions from the infected individual
  7. DON'T experience sex in very young age
  8. DON'T have sex with the same gender
  9. DON'T make contact with any unknown personal belongs such as clothings
  10. DON'T donate blood if you have AIDS!